Monday, February 7, 2011

Shan. Domestic goddess, fitness expert.

Yawwwn. Am I allowed to yawn after not having left the house all day (and, um, waking up at noon)? Don't answer that.

The day hasn't been a total bust. For instance, as part of my eternal struggle to see my weight dip below 119 pounds and stay there (reminder that this is a 4'11'' I'm dealing with) , I subjected myself to a Jillian Michaels workout DVD. Not the pansy ~20 minute workout one I've done a couple times before (30 Day Shred) - not that there's anything pansyish about it; it's just short. And actually the "level 3" thoroughly kicked my ass the last time I tried it. As in, I stumbled away from the TV "gargling my heart" as Jillian puts it, workout unfinished.

imminent pain
At least today I was able to last through the 40 minute circuit workout, with only the occasional break to grab a swig water, or weep uncontrollably about my tattered limbs. Now, whether I am masochistic enough/desperate for a hawt bod enough to do the thing again, we'll just have to see. Even if I am, that day will probably not be tomorrow, since I get the feeling that I'm going to be sore for a while. Everywhere.

Would I recommend her DVDs? Well, yeah, if you're trying to find a workout DVD. Honestly at-home DVDs/workouts are kind of the bane of my existence but I don't have much of a choice right now. I'm not living at school at the moment, so I can't use the gym, and with all the snow on the ground I can't exactly go running either, unless I'm all about surfing that black ice and getting a concussion. I miss running a lot--it really is my exercise of choice--but at least I took advantage of the LA weather a bit and jogged in the California sun, past the palm trees (now if I had jogged right along the water at Venice Beach, I would have been one truly happy girl).

Really though, I'm just a Jillian Michaels fan. I don't watch The Biggest Loser terribly often, but I've caught some episodes of her show Losing It and approved. You really get to see her at work there, getting into people's heads therapist-style and shaking up families' ways of eating, moving, and thinking. Yes, weight loss shows are totally exploitative and prove the unsavory fact that we have a national obsession with watching the obese. Without a doubt there is plenty to critique about these shows, and yet there the inspirational and motivational are found there too. So, why not?

Anyway, Jillian Michaels builds her rep on being both a hardass and badass, even though she's tiny, so I can't help but love her for that. Also it only recently occurred to me that wait a minute she's probably a lesbian? So I did a little google search and apparently in an interview last year she casually let it be known that she's looking for a healthy relationship, be it with a man or woman. I think I love her even more for that, because if you think about other famous bisexual chicas you get, what? Megan Fox? Lindsay Lohan? Gag.

The other event of the day ... dun dun dun. I finally put to good use the, er, VeraBradleyapronIboughtcauseitwascuteandonsale. That's right, I do not cook things, but I did buy the apron as motivation. Say nay if you will, naysayers, but this method works for me, or at least it did when I bought myself a pair of running shoes that were on sale! Maybe step one to being the person you want to be is dressing the part.

Anyway the pasta dish I made was totally nonlethal and actually kind of tasty, according to my parents. I pat myself on the back for this and plan on cooking again soon. Muahaha.


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