Friday, February 25, 2011

tomorrow's itinerary: night flight to summer 2010

If I had a sitcom, one of my catchphrases could be "I call SHANanigansssss" and all the other characters would frown at me disapprovingly. I would be that guy. . . ....I feel like somebody would tell me right about now, "Shan, you already are that guy."

No judgment please, but I am in the mood to watch one of those old Mary Kate and Ashley movies where they TRAVEL ABROAD. You know what I'm talkin bout. Oh my God, I really might download one. I can't even remember which ones I've seen. They're all roughly the same anyway except the locale changes--Australia, Italy, London, blah blah. ((HOLD ON, POP CULTURE EMERGENCY, my 18 year old brother's talking to me right now and he doesn't know who Katy Perry is. What?)

So I'm traveling tomorrow. Again. I like to do that. Actually between my LA excursion, hoboing around at Rutgers, going to Connecticut avec Jackie for a weekend of chillaxatives, und zees, zees beeeing a trip to North Carolina, I have been relatively busy and entertained. Relatively. Since the beginning of this year my room has been in a constant state of chaos, caused by repeated wardrobe analysis and packing. See, my 2010 really is proving to be a fantastic travel year.

So! I'm going to visit my pals over at Duke, who I met last summer in Germany :) :) :) I booked a round trip flight from Newark last minute for a reasonable $140, and it takes just a bit longer than an hour and a half to get there. I'm of course stoked to see mah people againnn (it's been like... 8 months? sacre bleu!) but I've also never been to North Carolina before, and I'm always eager to check another state off my list. Or rather, that's something I started telling myself the summer my family went on a road trip to Michigan. Passing through Ohio. To be honest, I was not a huge fan of Ohio.

Actually, if I think... if I really try to imagine seeing all of those guys again, I get really ridiculously excited. I said before, what was it?--if I could crush that summer in Berlin into a powder and snort it, I'd be happy the rest of my life. But everybody who travels knows that a place is only as good as the people you meet and the company that you keep. Berlin was great because it was Berlin, but also because I had these great people to drink with at wine bars. And eat schwarma. And go to the zoo. And get rejected that one time at that really popular overpacked full-of-itself asshole club that hates Americans. And get yelled and told to move while laying on the grass outside of a palace, which I suppose was still part of the general palace... property. (See pertaining photos)

Do you suppose it's maybe inappropriate to put any pictures of people on here without their consent? Ermmm... Anyway! I hope to do a lot of reminiscing down there. Hahaha. Well, for now I have to worry about packing... I am really tired of packing, to be honest. Even if it's for a mere couple of days, meh, I don't want to deal with it. C'est la traveling vie. (mon Dieu,I need to get on the French thing. This is just sad.)


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