Saturday, February 5, 2011

post-California dreaming

Still terribly jet-lagged; keep waking up at ~2pm (not acceptable), although yesterday I woke up at 8, inexplicably. That aint right.

Just thought, for kicks, I should note some of the dreams I have, since more often than not I dream of really bizarre things. Quite often the dreams are mid-apocalypse or post-apocalyptic, filled with natural disasters, or, as is very often the case, zombies. I don't know what that says about me psychologically. So last night I had a really jam-packed dream. It was another post-apocalyptic type one, except Jon Hamm was in it (second time I can remember dreaming of Jon Hamm; I have been blessed). He also called his co-star, January Jones, "totally gay" and I think I attempted to flirt with him--I give dream Shan two thumbs up for having the nerve to do that, haha. (sidenote: I am still eagerly waiting for Matt Damon to show up in a dream. That is almost all I want from life.)

In another part of the dream my mom was, for whatever reason, totally high, and I had to babysit her. That was weird.

Weirder still, in another part of the dream I'm a sensitive short story-writing type (still apocalyptic world). I write my stories about love and life on loose leaf paper, and I'm dating some guy but somehow, I really do not know how, he ends up a girl, and I end up a guy. And I'm all "oh my God, is there something wrong with our love?" and he/she's all "I don't know, and I don't care" and we're happy. At least I think that's how it went.

That's some decent Asian drama fodder, that last bit; in fact, maybe it's already been done. But could you imagine it? You're in love with someone of the opposite gender and by some plot device that I can't yet come up with you switch genders. Do you still love each other? How does the dynamic change? I think we've all wondered what the opposite gender equivalents of ourselves would be like. Personally I know I would abuse the word "bro" and all its variants even more than I do now (sorry, I drink a lot of bros equis). So, I see a lot of potential for such a story to be both hilarious and awfully interesting. If I were the creative type I'd start penning a tale right now, haha.

Deep down in our souls I'm sure we don't have gender, but it's just so--abusing the word again--interesting because the facets of our personalities, our own intrinsic personalities, will manifest themselves differently, depending on whether we're born male or female, and depending on society around us--the kind of environment we grow up in. So If I were born a man would some at-present untapped part of me have been nurtured--would I have totally different aims than I do now? But that's something I can never know.


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