Friday, February 25, 2011

my bon voyage party!

Today I painted my nails, unfortunately. I realized too late the nail polish color looks like it could be called Prostitute Pink or Pepto Biznatch. While it beats out a shade I once saw and described as Glitter Poop (alternative: Ke$ha Poop), I still feel a deep regret in my soul. Yes, I can just remove the polish. And no, I won't, because I've made my choice and even though it makes me nauseous, I feel kind of obligated to see it through, like a lot of my meals, or college.

Parenthetically I think nail painting is pretty dumb; I decided maybe a year ago it was one of those things I just didn't need to waste my time doing anymore, like dying my hair (dye free since '08). You know why? I will proceed to tell you why. Weirdly they both make you look (arguably) more polished and pretty, but only for a little while. And then they make you look worse. Immaculate nails say I am put together, but then that first chip comes in and before long you look like the sad shell of a woman who is probably too busy and stressed to bother with her nails. Roots coming in can also look pretty offensive.

Meh, these nails are obnoxious. They're ruining my blog focus.

I am going to now change the topic. So! A long time ago I must have made some weird pact with the devil, the details of which I can't remember, because I have an awful memory (speculative: maybe those were terms of the agreement?? I would give up my ability to remember things?). I know this had to have happened as, inexplicably, there are people in my life who care about me and fill my life with happiness, even though I kind of bring nothing to the table friendship-wise. I was talking to excellent friend and fellow trailblazer Alex about this and actually said, in earnest, "I don't know how I have friends. I don't have a boat." Not only do I not have a boat, I don't have a hot tub either. Worthless!

But life works in mysterious ways. I dunno. Nonetheless I have friends, proof being that they arranged a bon voyage party for me last Saturday! Isn't that the best? Although I am ignoring the fact that it was a month premature and does that mean they're in a hurry to get rid of me??? but really they are such dears, darlings, very kind of them. Yes yes.

Russia, gay Mexico, India, France, Egypt
    The theme--why bother to have a party without one? SERIOUSLY, WHY BOTHER?--was something like "partying around the world." In other words, an "errybody dress up in offensively stereotypical costumes representing different countries" party! In other other words, MY IDEAL PARTY.

The German beer maid costume I wore on Halloween would have been "too easy" and too repetitive, so instead I decided to go for a probably offensive approximation of a person from India. It was great. Not to get all Eat Pray Love but India is at the top of my list of places I want to visit. Additionally the costume enabled me to a) perform my own (again probably offensive) approximation of Bollywood dancing, and b) occasionally speak in an entertaining (and definitely offensive) Indian accent.

So, we spent the night doing awesome things like dancing in the manner of MC Hammer and playing the UN version of survivor flipcup. **highly recommended

Agata got a little crepe paper happy

And you really can't beat that.


  1. ahhhh!!! i made the blog! a picture and a name mention, you really can't get better than that. thank you, i'm ever so honored. =]

    also, i think i have a solution to the friendship boating conundrum of 2011! friends with boats need friends without boats so someone will go on their boat with them. and then, obviously, friends without boats need friends with boats because a life without boats is depressing.

    In addition, friends with boats need other friends with boats so they have someone to talk about boats and go boat shopping with. And friends without boats need other friends without boats so they can bemoan their boat-less existence and introduce each other to their friends with boats so there are more opportunities for boating outings.

    so, really, all interpersonal relationships are controlled by boat ownership.


  2. ahahaha i don't know HOW you do it, alex, but basically you are always right.
