Wednesday, April 6, 2011

But, for fun, other life updates

I have been listening to a Shameful Nostalgia Mix that includes Haddoway's - What is Love", Enrique Iglesias - "Escape", and Semisonic -"Closing Time." JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED.

I need to leave my house. The last time I left was today, but it was only a trip to CVS. Before that, a couple days ago, I went with my dad to meet a friend of his for breakfast at a diner. Before that --?? Seriously, I think it's making me ill, being all cooped up like this.

Incidentally I have been going to diners a lot recently. I go out to eat with my parents all the time because I have nothing else to do with my life. I used to never care about diners, which I think betrays my purely Jersey upbringing, but now all I want to do is eat my eggs over easy with some home fries and endless cups of coffee.

Diners are sweet gathering places, where people shoot the shit and eat unhealthy things. In that way, they're just like pubs. And I friggin love pubs. Do you see how much I love them, that I bolded, italicized and underlined that?

America doesn't believe in pubs. I find that unfortunate and wrong. But we do have "taverns"--that's similar, right? Homey atmosphere "where everybody knows your name" blah blah. Here in Hamilton there's Bill's Olde Tavern, which I feel is iconic but I've never been inside, and like, Jojo's, which has pretty good food if memory serves me. And I'm sure other places. But, effing AMERICA, I'm not 21 yet, so a big old MEH to that. (I turn 21 in 24 days but I withhold the right to express bitterness).

My family is all, what do you want to do for your birthday? That's a toughie. I do like eating at new places. I think last year I forced us to eat at an Italian place we'd never been to--it ended up alright, but not spectacular. This time I'm thinking, if we're not all Ireland-ed out from the week before, we could try Killarney's Publick House. Or, hey, Bill's Olde Tavern.

Oh but if I do Mexican food I can order myself a margarita of some kind. Ohhh margaritas. Oh Tequila. Tequila, why are you so good to me?

---Way before I had posted about my plan to no longer drink alcohol that isn't beer? Okay. Well. That didn't happen. Moving on.

Like, look at this picture. These are blood orange margaritas. They are pure and total deliciousness. Pair this with an endless bowl of nachos (endless everything, I say!!! ENDLESS) and zesty fish tacos and I will enter the uncontrollable weeping level of happiness. Like, the same level that is usually known to really emotional brides who are weeping through their wedding vows, they're so happy.

:) So I think I'll go to sleep now, haha.


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