Monday, March 21, 2011

the best laid plans of mice and shans

I'm too drained by all the goings-on to be articulate. Man, that word never made any sense. Goings-on. Passers-by.

The details will come later, but, to skip ahead to the end of the book, the odds of me going to Japan at this point are very very slim.

Spoiler alert: as a consolation prize, I'm trying to see if I can do the Rutgers Summer in Berlin program again.

I shot an email to the acting undergrad director of the Germ dept. (at least I think he is... why does everyone important in the department end up peacing out for sabbatical, anyway?), who forwarded it to this year's program director. But he thinks they're still taking applications, and didn't tell me that I couldn't do the program again. What he said was it's "going to be a little different, in some interesting ways (including a possible excursion to Instanbul), so I don't think you'd be bored." Woah woah woah Istanbul--do my eyes deceive me because that is so dope. And sick. And whaaat.

But I'm trying to not get ahead of myself here. Until further news arrives I'm trying to avoid thoughts like: oh my God they have to let me go to Berlin again or else what am I going to do with myself? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MYSELF?
As well as thoughts like: I am going to go back to Europe and see so many of the places I have yet to visit!!! SWEET JESUS. I CAN VISIT AGATA WHILE SHE'S IN PARIS. Maybe I can go to AMSTERDAM OR DUBLIN OR EVERYWHERE.

But right now, in this moment, the words "I will go to..." only belong next to the word "sleep."


  1. =[ sorry about japan. it's like the world felt like you met your t-blazing quota and was like, "imma need you to slow it down a little because you're making everybody look bad with your awesome." least that's how I envision it.

    but, maybe better things will happen. Perhaps you will see Espin in Berlin and he will be in the middle of a messy divorce and you can comfort him with your sweet, sweet loving. (you think Espin owns a boat? Espin deserves to own a boat.) And freakin Istanbul seems amazing times a million gazillion. I was dying to visit there when I was in Greece & I researched the shit out of it, but, alas, it did not occur. so, yea, i hope everything works out.

    I also hope my repeated commenting is not alarming you because I feel a little bit like a stalker. But when you make stalking you so easy & entertaining and comment worthy, it's just hard to resist. =]

  2. @Alex Costa

    i don't doubt the world is definitely threatened by my globalocity (it's all "woah woah, you're an american, and you're not anderson cooper. stop that. (hand smack)" which is hilarious cause i'm just gonna go even harder now (that's what he said), i.e. I AM BLAZING TRAILS (and blazing blog) IN EUROPA WITH A VENGEANCE. as per G6's.

    :D you and your sweet comments make this whole narcissistic blog worthwhile.

    oh and--
    I am sure espin's charming family owns many boats. that's my gut feeling. espin himself, maybe not, but that's just because i don't get big boating vibes from berlin. oh espin. that ragamuffin.

  3. not to be a kill-joy, but can't you take summer classes (probs within the united states) for east-asian studies to make up for what you missed with Japan? that way you'd be back on track to be a east-asian studies major come the fall? just a thought. don't hate me! cuz i know going to europe again would be, seriously, the best consolation prize ever, but there's other practical solutions out there i'm sure

  4. @Jess

    hmhm if i did some research i could probably find an intensive language course with transferable credits but at best i'd only be able to make up 6 credits, is what the east asian advisor said. whereas in japan i would have taken probably 15 credits.. so it only slightly catches me up and i'd still have to take an extra semester fall next year. i just don't feel like doing it, man. i don't feel like i want to graduate with an east asian studies major badly enough lol. for the minor, i just need 1 more class haha...
