Saturday, January 22, 2011

la vie L.A. (swears will now put end to posts titled 'la vie __')

I theorize that the universe does not want me to pack in advance for trips. Or be well-rested for plane travel. At any rate, neither of these things have ever happened to me once, so you can't say the theory's unfounded.
Hmm, it's four. Really, I'm not to blame for this one. The fam was over at my cousins', where the grandpuhpah and grandmumah have been staying. Mum was packing their bags for them, which took until three. And all I could do was sit on the couch, unable to take a nap, instead watching Definitely, Maybe.

Which, I don't know if it was the tiredness or what, but it wasn't as bad watching it for the second time. Not that it's a total crap film or anything, but if my memory serves me, I thought it was kind of a downer most of the way through. The dude just makes a lot of poor choices with women (applicable to the real R.R. possibly. Was he actually married to Scarlet Johansson or was that some kind of weird joke played on him/everyone?), and it's just aggravating to watch. Like, stop getting ready to propose to the wrong ladays and go for the cynical but sweet redhead played by the wife of Borat. You can't go wrong with that.

I have a relevant last minute packing account but I’m actually too tired to tell it right. In short though it’s me partying til dawn in Berlin (at the first place in Berlin the group had all gone to, overlooking the water. Sehr nostalgic), being advised by Hady the Berliner not to go to sleep at all lest I miss my flight, passing out, not waking up to the alarm I (possibly) set, panicking, and throwing—just plain throwing—everything I possessed into my suitcases like a madwoman, so that I could make my flight to London. What’s worse, when I was leaving Berlin again, this time for New Jersey, I did more or less the exact same thing. I was up all hours navigating back to a youth hostel, quite possibly ready to fall asleep at any moment. Although, silver lining, you can meet the nicest trilingual Spanish boys at shady S-Bahn stations at four in the morning. Pretty sure though that my hostel roommates were ticked off (they were.....hostile! Pfft!) (I'm sorry) at my traipsing into the room so late and then bailing out, noisily, a few hours later. LUCKILY this time, the alarm did wake me. No small miracle since the stupid-crap-German-brick-phone could set only one alarm at a time, and there was no snooze option. I always had ONE SHOT TO WAKE UP (which is actually why I’ll never really know what happened on the side-trip to Potsdam that first week in Berlin). So yeah, the door slammed outrageously loud as I was leaving. My eyes widened and I sped down the hallway fearing the West German secret police would arrest me for indefensible loudness, or UNENTSCHULTBARE LAUTSTÄRKE.

But hey, things all worked out juuust fine. More than fine! But oh frack. I need to go to bed now.


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