Thursday, February 9, 2012


At work currently: German department, where I've been employed since last fall. I sit at the desk outside the secretary's office, and do work on a computer that could stand to be upgraded (for some reason firefox does not function so I have to use internet explorer, which brings me back to the 90s in a non-fun way) (I'm fairly certain that all the other dept's computers, including laptops, are macs... just saying). Or there's no work to do and I sit there fiddling around on a computer that could stand to be upgraded, just so that when I'm looking up the Wendy's menu (as was the case five minutes ago. What? I'm quite peckish and I'm planning what food to pick up from the student center on the way home) the screen doesn't freeze because in 1995 flash plugins didn't exist yet.

Generally on days I work here, which is only once a week anyway, for three hours, I make sure to dress relatively nicely--well, not that I dress in any sort of unkempt way normally. In other words, the likelihood of my wearing a button-down jumps from 50% to 85% and if I'm not wearing a button-down I'm wearing a sweater. I do this because it helps me pretend I'm more important than I actually am, and in my mind distinguishes me from the other students who were assigned to work for the department as part of work-study. Whereas I am not only an employee but eine Studentin of the department (which I also like to hope looks really good on my resume).

I am also compelled to dress nicely on Mondays because that's the day I have my graduate-level course and I already look like a small child who stumbled into a room full of German scholars, so I might as well look like the child nerd who wears argyle and purposely strode into "German Romanticism and Gender Studies."

But, in general, I'm no longer comfortable dressing down these days because, I suppose, it serves as a mark of distinction from the hoardes of underclassmen. A totally called-for distinction, obviously, because I'm all about-to-graduate and adult-y and wear button-downs while working in the creaky, drafty Victorian building across from the library.


  1. Dude, i miss you. Please, reinstate your facebook. how else are we supposed to conduct our long distance friendship? our archive of witty banter has been erased from the face of the internet & it makes me so very sad. & whenever i forget that your facebook no longer exists and i type shan into the little type-y bar at the top, shannon speigel pops up. it's just so very cruel. Then I have to come here and read your eloquent blogs that make me want Wen-wen, and I feel slightly stalkerish.

    Unless, you've just blocked me, which, in that case, i think i should still have visitation rights to see JR.

    Are you applying to teach English in South Korea? I certainly hope so. If not I would like to hear what your wonderful plans are, since I know something wonderful must be happening to prevent you from t-blazing avec moi.

    hope all is well and senior times are baller-stat.

    Liebe, Bobo

    1. Awh. Like half an hour ago I thought of you because I was thinking about how my mom found my pipe and returned it to me last weekend. Is your pipe still floating around somewhere? Apparently mine was in a box in the basement filled with forgotten college things. I miss thee too, man. I know it's a pretty dick move not doing the facebook thing, but you know me, I'm just a reb without a cause. But okay, prooobably I will go back on facebook soon. I think. It's just so weird how I don't even remotely miss it, it's like one less thing I have to compulsively check every day. So in a way it's like if somebody told you you no longer had to brush your teeth every day and there would be no repercussions whatsoever. Except that your friends would call you out on it and be like "wtf you're not brushing your teeth anymore? who does that?"

      that's a bad example. i'm really sleepy. so, say, what's your email? whilst i'm still on facebook hiatus i would like to email you and better yet, could you please send me an email to shanspeaking@gmail with your current snail mail address because i'm so in the mood to write a good old fashioned letter.

      OH! oh my goodness, not at all related but i got into dr. who semi-recently and i recall you being a whovian (JR got into it last summer i think) (new topic of conversation for the next time we all sit in your car!). and um, i just wanted to express that, haha. oh what a good show. how ever did i live life without it?

      anyways! ok ok just email me that and i'll hastily respond and tell you all about my future plans and all that old people stuff, and you'll tell me about future plans and what it's like being ancient but still having a whole extra 18 days worth of youth's advantage on me.

      p.s. am trying to spend two months in taiwan this summer--> no mandarin experience needed ! if you haven't summer plans you should apply as well haha never hurts to try

    2. p.s. shannon spiegel still exists?
      p.p.s. that somehow reminds me, saw dennis muka couple weeks ago at rutgers bar. was disoriented and weirded out for half an hour afterward.
      p.p.p.s. reminds me, what on earth is greg wance doing with his life?
      so many questions.

    3. DR WHO IS SPECTACULAR! I always knew JR was a man of impeccable tastes. & yes, my pipe is sitting on my bookshelf along with all my other do-dads! i understand you on the facebook front. It's pretty useless but nice to have if only because people can get a hold of you, but i forgive you if you never return. My email address is & i will email you my address as well! & i'm gonna have to take a look at that taiwan program, thanks!

      p.s. - unfortunately, yes, well at least her facebook does
      p.p.s - awkwardddd
      p.p.p.s. - he's going to grad school in florida. i think the same place he did his undergrad. so he'll be there for another year & then i have no idea. on his breaks he occasionally comes to trivia night which is a thing the hamilton peeps on wednesdays which i highly recommend if ever you grace hamilton with your presence again.

    4. p.p.p.p.s - I cherish those 18 extra days of youth, though I suspect in the long run they will make little if any difference.

  2. just so you know, teachers here do NOT dress super-professionally. jeans and a sweater, maybe a button-down or polo. once in a while you see a dress. they make fun of me when i wear a suit. but i do it anyway, for basically the same reason you mention

    1. just saw this now. hah, that seems kind of weird.. wearing jeans just seems so wrong. definitely good to know, though. i was wondering about whether i'd have to buy some fancy working lady things. guess i'm good
