Sunday, November 27, 2011

technology be crazy

No, I did not go out black Friday shopping. My parents, brother, aunt and uncle went out to Best Buy even at 1:30 in the morning or something like that, which was wildly disorienting. My family's just been going nuts buying technological doohickeys recently, and I have been judging them for it while simultaneously reaping some benefits. For instance, I'm on board about this new TV. It's bigger, and the bigger the better is my policy about televisions because they're more like the experience of going out to the movies (which, though recently neglected is a pleasure I adamantly enjoy). But this is also a TV with 3D capabilities, and that just feels grossly excessive.

But I will not lie to you, watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in 3D last night in the convenience and comfort of my own domicile wasn't too bad of a deal. It's already a great movie (I love Bill Hader. LOVE HIM.) but the 3D effects are just cool. (Another sidenote: whenever I watch SNL I have a little "would I marry Bill Hader or Seth Myers?" debate in my head.) Not that giant foodstuffs popping out at me was what impressed me, but I was really drawn in by, say, seeing a building with glass windows and the inside of the buildings looking so stunningly realistic, like I could really just pop in and walk around, and yet so whimsically cartoonish at the same time. I can't explain it. You just have to see it.

I am placing the 3D TV, because it feels so excessive and indulgent, on the list of things you yourself do not need to own but you want your friends to have (see previous discussion on boats and swimming pools). Now that I think of it, fancy massage chairs that you see at Brookstone go on this list. Because they too are ridiculously indulgent, but also expensive. (But, please, if anyone is interested in buying me one, what are you waiting for?) So perhaps with this new television my family now owns the type of thing that causes one to suddenly have a lot more friends.

Meanwhile I am still confused about what blueray actually is, and all the remotes in my own home confuse me. My parents don't know what they're doing, either.

Basically I blame this all on my brother's influence. That guy. He also has an android phone, which I still maintain is superfluous. And yet I kind of want one, obviously. And yet I really don't... I mean, ultimately if I wanted a smart phone, I could get one. I'd say "mother, I want a smart phone" and she'd say "okey dokey." But I've decided against it. For starters, they're bulky and generally have lame battery life. I dislike both having to charge things all the time and not being able to fit a phone in my pocket (Even the current phone I have is too big and I swear it was the smallest one around--bigger is better does not apply to portable technology! People should know this). And then I'd have to pay to use the interwebz on it, but I'd also need insurance on it because I have such crap luck with technology, and all that money would add up. I'm not trying to drive my family into debt with stuff I don't need. I'm already doing that with my Rutgers bills (buh-dum-dum). I make yoke.

Moreover, despite the manifold benefits of having the interwebz at my fingertipz at all timez, it's really most probably best I don't have it. That just leads to gross obsessive-compulsive behavior, whereas I sometimes like to maintain the air of someone who does not need to always feel "connected" via cellular or internet-connected device. I feel connected to mother earth and to the web we call humanity, you guys. (That's the sort of statement that I can deliver, completely deadpan, with ease--everyone hates me for it.) Example of cool disconnectedness: if it's winter or summer break and my phone dies I just let it lay there, dead, for days. People also hate me for that.

But the one way I have indulged technologically is that I bought that Nook Tablet that just came out. And I am a little obsessed with it. In a good way, I swear. So, because my Nook is kind of the great love of my life (I hold it close to me at night and refer to it as "my precious") I think I'll want to write all about it later in a separate post. Granted it may be one of those "yes, I will write about that later!" all talk, no delivery ordeals... If so, that's too bad. I have many things to say about my Nook.


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