Sunday, October 23, 2011

brb.....k im back

So that idea about blogging as I traveled all over Europe totally did not pan out, as it turns out. I'm not cut out for travel writing, at least not during the traveling itself. I get too distracted to write a thing down. But let's be serious, I was off watching flamenco in Spain and drinking port wine in Portugal, and hating everybody in Paris, so can you blame me? Well, you can, and I would, but pish posh... at least one thing I have proved is that I am exceedingly good at blogging when I'm stuck in New Jersey.

And, well, that's where I'm at in life at this particular, and perhaps unfortunate moment (I say unfortunate but that's more to do with the stresses of school, both the current and future plans thereof, than the simple fact that I'm physically in New Jersey). So, it's about time I got back to writing, no? Right back into it, I say! (also: that's what she said).

Quick update then, as I slowly but surely fall asleep. I have a new laptop (not... by choice) so I've been killing the past several hours not by reading House of Mirth or Frankenstein for my classes, but by going over what music I actually listen to on my iPod. That's always the most tedious task in the universe, but it's also rewarding, like cleaning out the fridge (similar also in that both potentially yield horrifying results). Determining where your musical taste is at any given time is something like reassessing who you are and where you are in life (douchey thing you should not say on a first date #348277). Don't you think?

Right now much of what I'm listening to are bands in the vein of Bloc Party, Arcade Fire, and Radiohead (gratuitous amounts of Radiohead)... tempered with female singer-songwriters like Adele, Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson. The bands I'm diggin, primarily British and captivating but kind of depressing, to me also have "Berlin" written all over them. -Is it too literal to listen to the song Kreuzberg in Kreuzberg?- So I have to keep ladies like Sara B. in there otherwise Jackie will shoot herself in temple when I put on my iTunes.

At any rate, I have never claimed to have good taste in music. Mostly because I don't have good taste in music. But damn it if this isn't one of the best songs in the universe. I could be wrong about this... and yet if this song does nothing for you I will conclude you're just not a real person with a human heart or real feelings.

Good night my sweet New Jersey and all the rest of the earth, universe, everything, between the click of the light and the start of the dream....


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