Monday, February 7, 2011

LA stuff I did, part I

I am nocturnal. I don't like it, but it's not something that you can easily break out of when you have no obligations in life. No class, no work. Essentially I'm on winter break until ~March 25 when I leave for Japan. All things considered though, I don't feel that unproductive. I have been keeping myself busy in a few moderately impressive ways (more on that later). For that I give myself a pat on the back since more often than not, if facing an extended stay at home, I will spend days on end in a bath robe and ugg boots, sipping wine coolers and marathoning shows like Lie to Me, or 30 Rock. Don't judge me.

Anyway, I figure I should put my nocturnal energy to good satisfactory use and get some kind of LA post up in this business while I still have the tiniest desire to do so. Well, good thing I didn't take too many pictures?

Pretty sunset @ JFK just because... it's pretty

First time flying Virgin America (I think I've mostly taken US Airways), so it was good fun to find the cabin unnecessarily similar to the inside of a Tokyo nightclub. Especially traveling with my 81-year-old grandparents. I felt so hip.

If you are visiting LA you must visit the Griffith Observatory, overlooking da city. It is free and not disappointing, unlike visiting Hollywood only to realize that it is a friggin shady place, i.e. if Charlie Sheen were a location. This was taken on the walk to the observatory.
Thar's the place
oblig. Hollywood sign pic (this is the closest I've been to it)
(I took a bunch of pictures of the city. Unfortunately I am in a lot of them, thus ruining them.) That quaint little clearing of tall buildings is their downtown, oft used for filming "New York" scenes, since their downtown ordinarily passes for a (creepily devoid of people) NYC.

Good stuff, blah blah blah. Before I end this post, how about some things that I ATE (in this case I definitely disappointed myself by not taking more pictures).

1.For the sake of getting out of the apartment, the cousin and I went to some mall, the Glendale Galleria. I perused zero shops, as I was feeling rather uninspired to try on dresses with my male cousin in tow, but the outing was a victory in that I got to try this Korean dish bibimbap for the first time. It makes me sad, but my experience with Korean food is shockingly, inexcusably limited.

Bibimbap jams everything that could be separated into one superdish of meat, vegetables, some pickled things? I think they were pickled, is that seaweed on the top there?--on top of a salad (health!), on top of white rice. And there was spicy sauce on the side. Look, I'm not really sure what I ate, and I'm not a food critic, but it was delicious. Nothing has ever felt so right.

2. Go to a Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria and order the 60 slice pie. I DARE YOU.

3. The Farmers Market by The Grove has this Brazilian barbecue (churrasco) place. Another learning experience, and what I learned was that I have never tasted meat so heavenly. I am now depressingly hungry, by the way.


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